52nd Judicial Circuit Court
Case Evaluation
Case Evaluation is governed by MCR 2.403 and MCR 2.404
Fees are $25.00 per evaluator. Checks should be made directly payable to each evaluator and forwarded to the ADR Clerk within 14 days of receiving the Notice for Case Evaluation.
All parties must pay the case evaluation fee regardless of whether or not their case has been adjourned, dismissed, or settled. The only exception to this policy is if the adjournment, dismissal, or settlement has been submitted to the Judge within the first 14-day period.
Case Evaluation briefs are to be submitted to the ADR Clerk no later than 14 days before your case evaluation date. Parties will be assessed a late fee in the amount of $150.00 if briefs are not received timely. Late briefs shall be submitted directly to the evaluators. The $150.00 late fee shall be forwarded to the ADR Clerk as follows: three separate checks in the amount of $50.00 made payable to each of the evaluators.
ADR/Case Evaluation Contact Information:
52nd Judicial Circuit Court
Attn: Leah L. Hatch, ADR Clerk
250 E. Huron Ave.
Room 207
Bad Axe, MI 48413
(989) 269-7112