52nd Judicial Circuit Court
250 East Huron Avenue
Room 207
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: 989-269-7112
Fax: 989-269-0005
Email: circuitcourt@co.huron.mi.us
On-Line Research Terminal Available For Public Use
(Located On the 2nd Floor Across from Room 207)

Court Hours
The Court Handles the following matters within the communities we serve:
The circuit court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Michigan. In general, the circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000 and all felony criminal cases (cases where the accused, if found guilty, could be sent to prison).
The family division of circuit court handles all cases regarding divorce, paternity, adoptions, personal protection actions, emancipation of minors, treatment and testing of infectious disease, safe delivery of newborns, name changes, juvenile offenses and delinquency, juvenile guardianship, and child abuse and neglect. In addition, the circuit court hears cases appealed from the other trial courts or from administrative agencies. The friend of the court office is part of the family division of the circuit court and handles domestic relations cases where minor children are involved.
In addition, there is a Court of Claims for filing cases against the State of Michigan in which a claim for money damages is made. As of November 12, 2013, the Court of Claims is part of the Michigan Court of Appeals. The Court of Claims is a specialized court that handles only claims over $1,000 filed against the State of Michigan or one of its departments.
There are 57 circuit courts in Michigan. Circuit court judges are elected for six-year terms.
Hon. Gerald M. Prill, Circuit Judge
Leah L. Hatch, Circuit Court Administrator
Sarah L. McNames, Deputy Court Administrator/ Chief Recorder