Clerk's Office
250 East Huron Avenue
Room 201
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: 989-269-9942
Fax: 989-269-6160

Office Duties
The Huron County Clerk’s role in county government includes some of the following:
• Vital records – births, deaths, marriages, veteran’s records, election records.
• Assumed names, notary public commissions.
• Assists the public with genealogy research.
• Circuit Court records – processing filings, maintaining physical custody of court
• Statutory Secretary to the Board of Commissioners, Concealed Weapons
Licensing Board, Board of Canvassers, Plat Board, Election Commission, and
Jury Commission.
• Member of the Apportionment Commission and Election Commission.
• Payroll – processes payroll for the county building and sheriff department
• Accounts payable – processes all billings for the county building and sheriff
• Human Resources – handles for the County Building and Sheriff Department the
health insurance and retirement benefits, unemployment, workmen’s
compensation, and county liability insurance.
The County Clerk is also coordinator for all elections in Huron County. The office maintains the State of Michigan Qualified Voter file for the 25,254 registered voters in Huron County. Currently there are 28 townships, 3 cities, 8 villages, and 15 school districts in the county. This office is responsible for the formatting, designing, and ordering of all ballots for the townships, cities, villages, and schools, as well as placement of the required election notices in the newspaper, maintaining campaign finance on the county level, and canvassing, certifying and storing of the election materials.
General Office Hours
Lori Neal, County Clerk
Rebecca Finkbeiner, Accounting Payroll Clerk/Elections Assistant
Alisha Thomas, Family Court Clerk
Ashlyn R. Peterson, Deputy Clerk / Elections
Nicole Leggier, Deputy Clerk