Clerk's Office Forms
250 East Huron Avenue
Room 201
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Phone: 989-269-9942
Fax: 989-269-6160

Online Forms
Find your form by browsing one of the following categories:
Notary Application (External Link)
CPL Renewal (Michigan State Police External Link)
CPL Renewal Info (Michigan State Police External Link)
MSP Firearms Page (Michigan State Police External Link)
Printing Forms
Huron County offers their forms in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF files are printer independent using any printer. To read and print a PDF publication, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your PC. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader version suitable for your system by clicking on the link below. There is no charge for this software.
Forms should be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper. You must print the form with blue or black ink for it to be acceptable to the Huron County Clerk's Office.
Assumed Business Name Forms
One of the following forms is required for any Assumed Business Name request:
New, Renewal, Change of Location, or Dissolution of Business Name (Fillable)
New, Renewal, Change of Location, or Dissolution of Business Name (printable)
A record of all Assumed Business Name's in Huron County are kept by the Clerk's Office.
Marriage Record Forms
New marriage licenses cannot be issued by mail and must be obtained from the Clerk's Office. To save time, the marriage license application should be completed before coming to the Clerk's Office.
Marriage License Application Instructions
The Huron County Clerk keeps a record of any marriage license obtained from their county. Anyone may request a certified copy or search through our records.
Birth Record Forms
Birth records are maintained only for people born in Huron County.
Michigan Law states that only the person, or parents, named on the birth record is eligible to receive a certified copy. If you wish to receive your certified copy by mail, then you must include a copy of your driver's license along with your processing fee.
Request for Verification of a Michigan Birth Record (Fillable)
Request for Verification of a Michigan Birth Record (printable)
People who were born outside of Huron County may write to the Michigan Department of Community Health - Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics
Death Record Forms
For deaths that occurred in Huron County, a request may be submitted either in person or by mail to receive a certified death record. Death records are open to the public and may be searched at any time.