To file a civil claim in the 73B District Court: the business or person you are suing must do business in or live in Huron County. Or the event giving rise to the dispute must have occurred in Huron County.
The Court handles the following Civil Matters:
General Civil - matters involving disputes up to $25,000.
Small Claims - Claim cannot not exceed $7,000 and parties may not be represented by lawyers.
Points to consider:
Locating the parties.
Determining your course of action.
Gathering your witnesses and evidence.
Determining your claim amount.
Clerks are not attorneys, and therefore cannot give legal advice.
The Judge/Attorney Magistrate may not and will not give advice on matters they may have to rule on.
In a Civil case (General or Small Claims),except in land tenant cases, the Court can render money judgments only. Except in land tenant cases, the District Court does not have the authority to require anyone to do something or to stop doing something.
Civil Case Procedure
Civil Fees - Civil case fees
Contact Information:
General Civil Clerk: Melissa Pallas
Small Claims/Landlord Tenant & Evictions Clerk: Jillian Ferris
Phone Number: (989) 269-9987
Fax Number: (989) 269-6167