Veterans Affairs Forms
The Standard Form 180 or SF180 is used to request military service records from the National Archives in St. Louis, MO. This includes both service records and service medical records.
Application for initial entry into the VA health care system. Veteran must meet either financial guideline, be service connected or serve in combat within 5 years.
Also known as the "means test", this form is the renewel application for the VA health care system. This form is filled out on the veteran's anniversary date to update their financial information.
Used when a letter or statement needs to be made to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Notice to Veteran/Service Member of evidence necessary to substantiate a claim for Veterans Disability Compensation and related compensation benefits.
Notice to Veteran of Evidence necessary to substantiate a claim for Veterans Non-Service Connected Pension Benefits.
Application for surviving spouse or child benefits such as Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), Accrued Benefits and Widow's Pension
Appointment of Veterans Service Organization as Claimant's Representative.
Must be filled out by a Medical Doctor in support of and along with an Aid and Attendance claim (VA Form 21-526)
Application for VA Home Loan Eligibility Certificate.
Request for Presidential Memorial Certificate.
Application for Government Headstone or Marker.
Claim for Government Medallion for placement in a private cemetery.